Grey Masonry

Conventional masonry blocks are often referred to as Grey Masonry. The benefits of masonry are aesthetics, low maintenance, strength and durability, thermal efficiency, noise reduction and fire and earthquake resistance.

Note:  Our blocks/masonry products are made in NZ with locally sourced natural materials and as such colour variation between regions is expected. 
If honing natural grey masonry, there may be medium to extreme degrees of colour and exposed texture variation between blocks which will appear throughout the finished wall. 

Please talk to your local Firth representative for more information.


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Structural Benefits & Cost Effectiveness

Structural Benefits & Cost Effectiveness

The use of reinforced masonry can result in substantial savings for buildings of up to ten stories. For the construction of structural walls and buildings, the need for formwork and associated labour is eliminated. The savings result from the speed and simplicity of using concrete masonry as a structural frame (load bearing and shear walls with horizontal diaphragms), as well as exterior skin and space divider.

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

One of the most valuable advantages of concrete masonry is the cost savings derived from its capacity to store energy and to delay the passage of heat. This unique feature, known as the 'thermal mass effect', allows masonry buildings to be designed with less additional insulation. Hence, material costs and energy consumption can be reduced, and the comfort of living space is improved.

Sound Control

Sound Control

Concrete masonry is an ideal sound barrier, providing reduced sound transmission relative to the size of the wall. 
Click here for more information on concrete masonry's acoustic performance by NZCMA 

Fire Protection

Fire Protection

The fire protection benefits of concrete masonry are recognised by the Fire Service and the insurance industry. The extra ability to resist fire comes from the type of aggregate used, and the equivalent solid thickness of the masonry units.

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