exposed aggs option PP

Exposed aggregate

Exposed Aggregates are achieved by washing away the top layer of concrete to leave the surface layer of aggregate exposed. We source our pebbles locally, which is why every region throughout New Zealand has its own unique mix and look.

Please note that not all aggregate/pebble mixes are pumpable (e.g. structural mix or aggregate mixes with no fines). Talk to your local Firth representative for more details on product suitability.

Suitable for Patios, Paths, Courtyards, Driveways, Floors, Mowing Strips
exposed aggs option5 PP
exposed aggs option6 PP
exposed aggs option7 PP
exposed aggs PP3
locally sourced

Locally Sourced

Aggregates in our concrete are sourced from natural materials specific to those regional locations.  For this reason, there is natural variation in the appearance of our exposed aggregate offering and finish from region to region, as the final product reflects the local character of the New Zealand landscape.